Welcome to our family’s online cookbook. All the meal plans and recipes are accessible from the “Menu” tab. Our meal plans are labeled Week 1 – Week 7, and include dinners for 6 days plus a grocery list. No more meal planning, I just print off a menu with its attached grocery list and head to the store. Click on any of the meals and you’ll link to the recipe for that dish. Some weeks have alternate recipes, so the grocery list includes ingredients for both alternatives. You’ll want to cross the extra items off the list before you go to the grocery store. For lunch and snack items, there is an additional list called “Buy Every Week”. I give this list to whichever kid is shopping with me and they go fill a small cart while I do the other grocery shopping. Somehow they always buy extra.
For now, I print the lists and cross items off with a pencil the old fashioned way. Maybe I’ll get fancier in the future if I ever upgrade from a free blog.
About nlbreivik
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nlbreivik has contributed 1 entries to our website, so far.View entries by nlbreivik
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You have started an excellent source for busy women to enjoy cooking and preparing family meals. I see potential for a new winning cookbook.
Nicole, I love your website! I am going to use it happily……my menu planning has been pathetic for some time……too easy to wing it for two people.
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