Oven Roasted Vegetables
Oven roasted vegetables are colorful, easy, healthy and delicious. I’ve been experimenting since last fall, and finally have a reasonable...
Oven roasted vegetables are colorful, easy, healthy and delicious. I’ve been experimenting since last fall, and finally have a reasonable...
I’ve been experimenting lately with whole grains as an alternative to pasta or rice. Sometimes we all like a little...
New Mexico loves green chile. We eat it in and on everything – like breakfast burritos, green chile stew, enchiladas,...
The thanksgiving dinner meal can be traditional or new, blending different family favorites as the guests change from year to...
Is it Yorkshire Pudding or a Popover? I think they’re the same, so call them whatever you want. After watching too many...
This is a super easy version of Mexican Rice using instant rice and ingredients I (mostly) have in my pantry...
I have a scraggly but very productive peach tree in my backyard in New Mexico, in case you care. And New...
Real Italians eat risotto, because even Italians can’t eat pasta all the time. Risotto with Spinach and Mushrooms isn’t difficult...
Growing up in Texas, Tim learned to love biscuits and gravy. I prefer my biscuits with a little butter and...
For years we ate packaged Spanish rice with every Mexican meal. I’m so tired of Spanish rice. Lately we’ve been...
Pico de gallo is so easy to make, and tastes so much better, and of course fresher, than regular salsa. ...
This pasta salad can be either a side dish or a lunch main dish depending on the optional addition of...
A couple of years ago, I had homemade potato salad at a cookout in Arizona, made by one of my...
Homemade coleslaw, if you can call it that when you start with a bag of shredded cabbage and carrots, is...
Broccoli is extra healthy, but sometimes it needs a little pepping up. This is a quick, classic salad that combines...
Guacamole is so easy to make, I don’t know why it is even sold pre-made. The only tricky part is...
The boys love this, and I’m not kidding. The olive oil and garlic salt are bring out the taste and stir frying keeps a satisfying texture.
This Greek salad is full of vegetables, but has no lettuce. I was inspired by a picture of a salad that Patrick sent from Greece during his summer abroad. But that’s a different story.
It’s summer time – it must be time for salads. A Waldorf Salad makes a great lunch for the hot summer months. It’s surprisingly filling on its own, or with a piece of bread or some crackers on the side.
I never ate asparagus as a child. My first taste was in college when we were served asparagus omelets. I...
What to serve with schnitzel? How about German Cucumber Salad. Most versions contain only cucumbers and onions, but I like...
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